Above: Following the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, the City of Hoboken, working with the Public Utility Company PSEG, set out to design a new fully storm resilient Electrical Substation for the City of Hoboken. John Nastasi, AIA of nastasi architects, takes us through the trajectory from design problem to completed project.
Above: Following the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, the City of Hoboken, working with the Public Utility Company PSEG, set out to design a new fully storm resilient Electrical Substation for the City of Hoboken. John Nastasi, AIA of nastasi architects, takes us through the trajectory from design problem to completed project.
Above: Following the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, the City of Hoboken, working with the Public Utility Company PSEG, set out to design a new fully storm resilient Electrical Substation for the City of Hoboken. John Nastasi, AIA of nastasi architects, takes us through the trajectory from design problem to completed project.
Above: Following the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, the City of Hoboken, working with the Public Utility Company PSEG, set out to design a new fully storm resilient Electrical Substation for the City of Hoboken. John Nastasi, AIA of nastasi architects, takes us through the trajectory from design problem to completed project.
Above: Following the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, the City of Hoboken, working with the Public Utility Company PSEG, set out to design a new fully storm resilient Electrical Substation for the City of Hoboken. John Nastasi, AIA of nastasi architects, takes us through the trajectory from design problem to completed project.